Carmel of Des Plaines
Des Plaines, Illinois
When discussion for a Carmel in the Archdiocese of Chicago was just beginning, our Mothers met with Cardinal Stritch to discuss what kind of work he desired of the Nuns. His response was quick and inspiring:
“We don’t need you to make vestments or rosaries or altar breads. Do you pray? We need your prayers. Pray for this Archdiocese, the Archbishop, the priests and all the faithful. Pray that we will be what we ought to be.” (Emphasis added)
That directive has guided our Carmel from the very beginning and we live this out practically by being faithful to Holy Mother Church. Following the example of our Holy Mother, Saint Teresa of Avila, we strive to live each moment in the Presence of God. Whether we are in silent prayer or cooking, weeding in the garden or lying in the infirmary – God is with us. From this friendship, each Sister offers her prayer and sacrifices for priests, for souls and for the entire Church with a spirit of joy and generosity.
Des Plaines Carmelites
If you have questions for or about the Des Plaines Carmel, please contact them directly by phone or mail, using the contact information below, and NOT via the Association website. Messages that come through the website contact form will not responded to.
Mother Prioress
Discalced Carmelite Monastery
949 North River Road
Des Plaines, Illinois 60016